
The University of Los Andes is a public institution, however our University has a program of scholarships in order to stimulate the academic excellence and to provide a financial support to high academic performance students. The following is the list of the scholarship programs offered for undergraduate applicants. Students may apply for the programs after the enrollment at the University and through the Unit of Students Services.

1. Financial assistance

It is the financial support granted to undergraduate students who have limited economic resources and an academic performance of 75% to 100% in the previous semester or year.

2. Academic work

It is the economic contribution granted by the University of Los Andes to Venezuelan to undergraduate students who perform academic work at the Institution under administrative supervision.

3. Academic Excellence

It is understood a monthly payment to students that obtain excellent grades during the previous academic period.

4. High performance athlete

It is awarded to high-level athletes alumni through the Sports Department of the Universidad of Los Andes.

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Exchange programs: 

The Unit for International Relations (in Spanish, Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales, DIORI) is responsible for the promotion, strengthen and expansion of the national and international links of the University of the Andes with other institutions. The Unit for International Relations works under a set of policies and actions that stimulate a better use of the educative opportunities of cooperation in the world.

1. National Exchange program: 

The National Exchange programs are for students from ULA's partners national universities who wish to study at ULA and transfer credits to their home institution. ULA has several academic exchange agreements signed with institutions in the country.

2. International Exchange Program: 

The International Exchange programs are for students from ULA's partners international universities who wish to study at ULA and transfer credits to their home institution. On-campus housing is not available for international students, and there is no financial support such as the scholarships. ULA has several academic exchange agreements signed with institutions around the world.